# MicroHapulator **MicroHapulator** is software for empirical haplotype calling, analysis, and basic forensic interpretation of microhaplotypes from Illumina sequence data. Also included are tools for constructing mock genotypes and simulating Illumina sequencing of single- and multiple-contributor samples for testing and development purposes. MicroHapulator can be configured for use with any published or custom panel. [MicroHapDB](https://github.com/bioforensics/microhapdb) can be used to prepare marker definitions, population frequencies, and reference sequences—see [the configuration documentation](config.md) for more details. If you're new to forensic DNA analysis, [this primer](primer.md) is the recommended entry point for the documentation. Otherwise, refer to the table of contents below for links to various manuals, instructions, and reference materials. ## Table of Contents ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 install primer manual config devel api cli conduct ``` ## Indices and tables - {ref}`genindex` - {ref}`modindex` - {ref}`search`